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Full-Stack Concrete Step Repair & Lifting

Uneven or sunken concrete steps are more than an eyesore. Even minimal damage to concrete steps can escalate into more intricate, hazardous, and costly problems. Fortunately, Concrete Slab Jacking Inc. has the solution. Look to our Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Washington DC experts for expert concrete step lifting and repair services.

Proven Concrete Lifting Solutions

Our concrete lift and support services are a cost-effective, long-lasting solution that breathes new life into your existing concrete. With our personalized process, our consultants will assess the scope of your project, provide you with a complementary estimate, and offer expert guidance to help you determine the most effective option for your property.

Signs It’s Time to Call Concrete Slab Jacking Inc.

If leveling concrete steps is in your cards, we’re here to help. We recommend reaching out to our team for a free consultation if you notice any of the following issues with your concrete steps, including:

  • Unleveled surfaces
  • Gaps between the steps and surrounding structures
  • Visible cracks or chips
  • Sunken steps

The Causes Behind Crooked or Sunken Concrete Steps

Concrete steps are particularly susceptible to sinking and settling, and as unsafe outdoor stairs are considered a building code violation, these issues require immediate attention. Common causes behind crooked or sunken steps include:

  • Animal burrows
  • Poor soil compaction
  • Soil contraction
  • Soil expansion
  • Water erosion

Reasons to Choose Step Lifting & Leveling Services

Concrete lifting and leveling is the preferred choice when it comes to compromised concrete steps. This approach allows you to avoid the hassle and high cost of removal and replacement procedures. Furthermore, this non-invasive method preserves the safety and integrity of surrounding structures and mitigates prolonged downtime and disruption to your property.

Concrete Lifting Foam Benefits

Concrete step lifting and repair is the key to optimizing your property. The leading benefits of our trusted service include:

  • Restore safety and eliminate hazards
  • Reduce the risk of financial and legal liability due to injury
  • Amplify your property’s curb appeal and value
  • Combat further damage
  • Cost-effective and long-lasting
  • Prompt and timely service for fast results

Leveling Concrete Steps: Our Process

Leveling concrete steps begins by drilling small, strategic holes through the full height of the step. We then fill voids between the step and the earth using polyurethane foam. This high-density compound then expands and hardens, serving as a base to raise the steps into place. Last, we seal drill holes for a sleek finish.

Your Partner in Concrete Lifting Excellence

At Concrete Slab Jacking Inc., we stand behind our work. With a commitment to exceeding industry standards, we provide our customers with three-year warranty coverage for their concrete solutions. Our warranty is a testament to our quality service, ensuring you achieve total peace of mind and satisfaction when choosing our team.

Experience You Can Count On

Since 1994, our family-owned and operated business has maintained a reputation for the highest-quality concrete lifting solutions. From concrete steps leveling to sidewalk restorations and beyond, we combine premium, American-made, green alternative products with our time-honored skills to achieve unrivaled results that withstand the test of time.

Get Started with a Personalized Concrete Step Lifting Estimate

It’s time to say goodbye to unsightly, sunken concrete steps. Welcome beauty and functionality to your home or business with Concrete Slab Jacking Inc. and our concrete steps leveling service. Contact our friendly team to get started today with a personalized estimate for your project.

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